TIME MATTERS – CHAPTER 13: A Not So Silent Night

.Image of the night visitor behind the pipe smoke

The smell of the pipe tobacco smoke woke me up and I saw ‘Einstein’ in my room. He had brought with him the blue light wall again and seemed to be pondering something regarding the information flowing on it.

“Vee haffe access to zo little of vat zee unifferze has to offer,” he said. “Can you imagine zee amount of knowledge vee could acquire if efferybody had access to all zee informazion in it?”

“Could you please put out the pipe,” was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

“Oh, I’m zorry, old habit, zey didn’t haffe zee smoking concerns zey haffe now ven I vas young you know.”

“Why are you here? It’s…”, I said while looking unsuccessfully for my iPhone to check what time it was, “…whatever time it is, it’s too early. In some places being up at this time is considered uncivilized.”

“I’m an old man Ray. People mein age don’t sleep much.  Maybe it’s becauze vee are clozer to zee end of our stay in zis dimenzion and unconsciously vant to get zee most out of zee time left. But I digress; I’m here becauze I understand you haffe delved into mein equazion. Vat haffe you found zo far?”

He wasn’t going away so I rubbed my eyes and got up, being careful not to step into the blue light wall again. I opened my laptop and showed ‘Einstein’ what I had done so far.

“I started by envisioning a universe without time,” I said. “No time means that the equation for speed would be a division by zero; an operation that produces and undefined result.”

I shared with him a simple example that I had found on the internet which explained very plainly why a division by zero is considered undefined. He looked at me like I was nuts explaining such simple concepts to him but I asked him to bear with me. I actually told him that I needed to go through all that because, unlike him, I was no Einstein.  A remark he found particularly amusing. Anyway, this is what I showed him:

If  8 ÷ 4 = 2, then 8 = 2 x 4

But if we substitute 4 by zero then we would have:

8 ÷ 0 = what?  and thus 8 = 0 x what?

It’s impossible to have a number that multiplied by 0 would give a result other than 0, so the equation 8 ÷ 0 = what?  has no answer.

“After establishing that, I went to the formula for speed,” I said as I showed him what I had done next:

r = d ÷ where r stands for rate of speed, d stands for distance and t is time.

If time doesn’t exist, then t becomes zero and the formula produces an undefined result

r = d ÷ 0 = UNDEF

“This led me to a significant finding about time’s effect on our universe, and here’s where your equation E=mc2 comes into play. If we substitute time in the speed of light by zero,” I said as I showed him the math behind my calculations,*  “we end up with a result like this:

m = (E ÷ 1) x 0

Mass equals the amount of energy multiplied by zero, hence mass equals zero:

m = 0

In the absence of time there is no mass! Or in other words, matter needs time to exist!  That’s what time adds to the other three dimensions.”

“And if we go back to the equation and start with zero mass,” I continued, “we end up with a result that can be interpreted as an infinite amount of energy. A concept with many interesting ramifications both scientifically and philosophically.”

‘Einstein’ looked at me and smiled.

“You might be on to zomething here Ray. I vould haffe to do all zee complex math to be zure, but I like vere you’re going vith zis. It might effen haffe an impact on zee zearch for an explanazion on vy zee graffitazional forces in zee cosmos are zee vay zey are, effen though zere’s not enough phyzical mass to zupport zem.”

His words energized me and somehow I stopped feeling tired.

“I’m going to go now but I’ll leaffe zis here,” he said pointing at the blue light wall of information, “zere’s no better vay to access zee Akashic records. But pleaze don’t step into it.”

He left and I found myself alone with what amounted to the greatest source of information in the universe. I wondered if it had Google…


*I didn’t include the full math in this chapter but, if you’re interested, you can check all of it here as part of an essay the author wrote on the subject.