THE ANTARES SECRET – CHAPTER 12: Connecting the Dots

Image illustrating Vega calling her dad to tell him about the email and connecting the dots

Lucas couldn’t wait to share his excitement with Vega so he called her.

“Hey Moonbeam! Whatcha doing for lunch?”

“Hi Dad, it looks like I’ll be having a sandwich on my desk at some point ‘cause I’m knee-deep in stuff that can’t wait. Why?”

“I’ve got very exciting news from our Kitty Hawk,” said Lucas.

“Really? Well, I guess I can step out of the swamp for a coffee break now. Spit it out; I’m all ears.”

Lucas read her all the messages. From the moment he asked about the Apollo 14/Kitty Hawk connection to the Edwin Moon revelation. And finished with his rationale of why he strongly believed that the man was indeed who he thought he was.

“What do you think?”

“I don’t know Dad. I think you might be stretching the facts a little. Tell you what. Let me get through all the stuff I have on my desk and I’ll call you when I get out of here.”

“Sure, no problem. We’ll talk later.”

Not long after hanging up with her Dad, David came knocking on her door.

“Hey Vega, some of us are going to Beppe’s Deli for lunch,” he said. “Would you like to join us?”

“I’m up to my ears in paperwork regarding the Chronologix suit. Gotta work through lunch. But if you could bring me a Reuben sandwich, I’d be eternally grateful? Here let me give you the money,” she said while reaching for her purse.

“Don’t worry about it, my treat,” said David. “By the way, did you receive my email about the fantasy leagues?”

“I haven’t checked email in a couple of hours. What about the leagues?”

“Oh just something I got from a friend regarding a scam that’s going on. I thought you would like to put your Dad on notice.”

“Sure, thanks. I’ll take a look at it as soon as I finish drafting this motion.”

As soon as David left for Beppe’s, Vega looked up his email and immediately called her father. She got his voicemail:

“Hey Dad, it’s me again. I just got some information that I need to share with you. In the meantime, please hold off any contact with the Kitty Hawks’ manager.”

She hadn’t hung up yet when Lucas called her back.

“Hey Dad I just left you a message.”

“Sorry I couldn’t pick up, had to visit the little boys’ room. What’s up?”

She told him about the scam and found it odd that her father sounded unfazed.

“Hmm, that seems to tie in with the dark car,” he said.

“What dark car Dad?”

Lucas told his daughter about the mysterious dark car that had been doing the rounds in his neighborhood.

“They wanted me to see them. No doubt. And now you talk to your boss about my fantasy league hobby and all of a sudden you get an email about a supposed scam that sounds exactly like my communications with the Kitty Hawks manager. I’m too old to believe in coincidences.”

“I don’t understand. What do you mean coincidences?”

“Don’t you see it? They know about our communications but don’t want to acknowledge that I’m on to something, so they resort to what they do best, intimidation and disinformation. The dark car is intimidation while the email is disinformation. Both with the clear intention of making me stop all contact.”

“Dad, I think you’re not…”

“Sweetie,” he interrupted her, “when have you heard of FBI-like organizations in the United States warning about an investigation in progress?”

Vega had to admit her father had a point.

“Please, just be careful Dad, and keep me posted,” she said.

After hanging up Vega connected some dots of her own. The government-looking characters talking to Mr. Martin and David at The Bar the night before; the email; fantasy baseball. Was David in on it? She thought.

She decided to play along just in case. So as soon as David came back with her lunch she thanked him for the information and told him that he had already advised her Dad to avoid any approach that sounded like that.

“Good advice counselor,” he told her and left her office satisfied that his job was done.  


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