TIME MATTERS – CHAPTER 9: Hitting The Wall

Image of the building where the Professor lives during a rainy day

I thanked Gina for the help… and rushed out of her office. The first stop was with my creative team. I had to make sure everything regarding the presentation was on track and that, in the process, they hadn’t strayed away from the concept of the Chronologix piece being a time machine. You know, something to help you manage your time better so you can travel better through time. I checked their work, gave them my input, mentioned I was late for a meeting with Cyril Murdock, a former professor from college, and left.

On the way to the Professor’s I decided to stop by my apartment for a raincoat. It had started to sprinkle and the sky had gotten darker. It was only 10:00 AM but it looked like dusk and it sure seemed like I would be needing way more than just an umbrella to face the music.

Before entering the apartment, I noticed the strange bluish glow at the bottom of the doorway I thought I had seen the night of my first encounter with ‘Einstein’. Once inside I found myself standing in front of a wall of blue light floating in the middle of the living room. It looked like a giant computer screen with formulas, pictures and all sorts of information flowing through it at a fast pace. The wall was translucent and I quickly spotted ‘Einstein’ standing on the other side of it.

“Did you do this?” I asked him fascinated by the scene in front of me.

“I didn’t create it, if zat’s vat you mean,” he said, “but I access it constantly.”

“What is it?” I probed further. By this time I was already talking to ‘Einstein’ as if he was a real person and not a hallucination. My sentiments towards him had evolved rather quickly into those akin to a newfound friendship. Even my ears were growing accustomed to his accent; it didn’t sound so heavy anymore.

“Zis is a phyzical reprezentation of the univerze’s informazion field,” he said. “You’ve been unknovingly scratching its zurface for zee past couple of days. Now it’s time to for you to step into it zee vay I uzed to vay back ven.”

“Wow, you mean I can enter it…” was the last thing I said as I walked into the field of blue light. I woke up on the floor four hours later with a bump on my head and a note in my hand that read:

“Doofus! Don’t you know the meaning of a figure of speech? Don’t ever walk into an unknown field of energy like that. Look up the Akashic records and my gedankenexperiments. And go into E=mc2.”

I was signed simply “A.” followed by a symbol I couldn’t recognize. It looked like a weird “Z”.

I stayed on the floor for what seemed like half an hour listening absentmindedly to the rain outside. A pretty loud thunder got me out of my post-shock daze. I looked at my watch and realized I still had time to see Professor Murdock so I called and told him I was on my way.

It was raining cats and dogs and the traffic was hectic. It took me forever to reach the professor’s abode over at the university district. The place was a small apartment in a brick structure with a mansard roof and classic moldings. I rang the intercom bell and the professor let me in. When I reached his apartment he was waiting for me at the door. I was shivering from the cold rain and he was wearing a warm cardigan with Matthew perched on his shoulder.

“Come in, come in. Would you like some tea?”

“Yes please, I would love some. Hey Matthew how are you,” I said to the pet ferret extending my arm to make a bridge between the professor’s shoulder and mine. Matthew crossed over enthusiastically and decided it was time to closely examine my head of hair.

“You must have a lot in your head,” said the professor.

“Why do you say that?”

“Matthew does the same to me when I’m in a state of deep thought,” he said. “My theory is he can detect the energy we radiate when our brain is hard at work.”

“Matthew, you rascal, you’re a little mutant”, I said to the ferret while stroking the neck area under its chin.

“I wouldn’t go that far. Everything around us is energy, and animals are more in tune with that aspect of reality than we humans. Besides, if Matthew were a mutant then that would make me Professor X,” he said with a smile in obvious reference to the X-Men character from the Marvel comics and movies, “or maybe Professor M…”

The professor brought the tea, I took a sip and the blister on my tongue came ablaze. The professor noticed my grimace and asked if the tea was too hot for me.

“No it’s perfect. It’s just that I have this sore on my tongue that’s been pestering me all day,” I said.

We had tea and chitchatted for a while, literally talking about the day’s weather, before getting to business. I then proceeded to tell him everything about my encounters with ‘Einstein’ and the weird Timekeeper dreams.

“What worries me the most about the whole thing,” he said with a concerned look on his face, “is that you may be right about all this being… let’s not say schizophrenic but… an intense experience created by your mind.”

Then I showed him the note…


TIME MATTERS – CHAPTER 14: A Day for the Records

Image of the blue light wall through which Ray accesses the Akashic records

I sat on my bed watching the wall of light for what seemed like half an hour. The endless stream of  information was overwhelming, and I had no idea how to use it. My bafflement was interrupted by the iPhone’s wake up alarm. It had fallen on the floor and I was about to pick it up when I noticed the blue light of the wall flickering in unison with the alarm’s rhythm. That jump-started my mind and I began to connect the dots:

“Einstein handwritten note mentioned this wall of light was an energy field. The surge of energy in my iPhone brought up by the alarm had an effect on it. Over at the Professor’s, Matthew the ferret was able to feel the energy radiating from my brain. Crap! I had to go telepathic on this thing…”

The challenge was troublesome but I decided not to throw in the towel. However, before embarking on a crash course on telepathic communication with a very slim chance of success, I thought it would be a good idea to take a leak first. Once relieved I went for a much needed cup of coffee and while waiting for the coffeemaker to finish its thing I connected some additional dots:

“The first time the blue light wall appeared in my apartment, ‘Einstein’ had said he hadn’t created it but that he accessed it constantly. A short while ago he referred to this energy field as the Akashic records, and in his note he had asked me to look up his thought experiments. Professor Murdock had told me that some of Einstein’s public expressions suggest he was able to tap into the Akashic records during those experiments. Because of their nature, thought experiments lead to an increase of brain energy. The wall of blue light reacts to surges of energy in its vicinity. Bingo! No need to go mental! Increasing my brain energy should give me access to the records. Time to go back to the thought experiment approach.”

I moved the most comfortable chair I owned to the room and sat on it. Closed my eyes and drew a picture in my mind of a universe without time.

It was an energy field that extended infinitely in all directions. The energy was completely inert for it had no frequency. This must be what existed before the big bang. The big bang then must have been the moment when time came in contact with the original three-dimensional field of primordial energy. Time allowed movement, thus the energy came alive and matter began to appear.

I felt my brain unlocking. Answers came up fast and effortlessly. I figured that was the result of accessing the Akashic records. It was exhilarating! I couldn’t stop inquiring:

“So if what time does, as the fourth dimension, is add matter to three-dimensional space, then it can no longer be considered a path through which we move into the future. The nature of time is redefined as the dimension that allows the future to materialize. It adds a whole new perspective to phrases like ‘I need time to do this’. Of course you need time! But not the way it’s been thought about before. If you’re traveling from New York to Paris you need every step of the way to materialize in order to reach Paris. The trip becomes a construction process that requires approximately seven hours to be completed. Without time, the moment of you in Paris would not materialize. This would change what we measure as time. But new units of measure are not needed; it’s a matter of using the current ones in a new way. Instead of using them to measure the amount of time, we would use them to measure the length of the materializing process. For example, the materializing process of going from New York to Paris on a plane is seven hours long.”

The way the mind works when in tune with the Akashic records turned out to be intoxicating. I couldn’t stop. I had lost track of time when Bob called around noon.

“Hi Bob,” I said trying to sound as normal as possible.

“Hey buddy, are you OK? You haven’t been at the office for the last two days and we have this big presentation on Monday… I’m starting to get worried. What’s going on?” He sounded genuinely concerned.

“I’m fine,” I said trying my best to sound convincing, “there’s really nothing to worry about. I’ve been in touch with the creative team and everything is where it should be from my creative standpoint. The materials look fantastic; everything will go great on Monday. The time machine concept will blow their minds, you’ll see.”

“The presentation is not what worries me; we have a great team. It’s you bro. I can tell a mile away when you are not well. Talk to me Ray.”

“I’ll tell you, but not now; I wouldn’t be able to give you any details now anyway. Trust me, I’m dealing with something that requires my undivided attention and it doesn’t involve anything illegal nor life-threatening.”

“Listen, whatever you’ve gotten yourself into, I’ll respect you request for privacy, but remember that I’m here for you. Whatever you need…” he said.

“Actually, there’s one thing,” I said, “please cover for me at Monday’s presentation. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it. Just tell everybody that I’ve got the flu.”

“Will do buddy,” he said. “Good luck on whatever it is you’re doing and I hope some day you’ll explain to me the whole thing.”

We hung up and a short while later I got a call from Gina.

“Hey Gina, how are you doing?”

“Fine how are you?”

“I’m OK. Have you talked to Bob?” I asked.

“No, I’ve been on meetings out of the office all day and I’m taking the afternoon off to pick up the kids at my sister’s. Why do you ask?”

“Oh nothing. It’s just that I talked to him a short while ago and asked him to tell people I had the flu… which I don’t… Anyway, I thought you were calling because of that,” I babbled.

“Raymond Young, have we met?” she said lightheartedly. “I babysit nieces and nephews, not grownup coworkers. I was calling to check your ETA tomorrow.”

As implausible as it might sound, I had completely forgotten about the BBQ get-together with Gina and her niblings. It took a couple of long seconds of awkward silence for all the forgotten information to come back so I could pull an answer out of thin air.

“I was thinking around 11:30,” I said. “Does that work for you?”

“That would be perfect. Oh and take care of that flu,” she said chuckling.

After hanging up I took a shower and went out to get all I needed for the BBQ. When I got back and saw the blue glow in my room I felt like a junkie in desperate need of a fix.

TIME MATTERS – CHAPTER 18: The Time Travel Experiment

Holy shit!  Was that Stephen Hawking on my phone?  I played the message several times and it sure sounded like him. But why would he be calling me? What was going on? At that point, I really wanted to get moving and the traffic jam I was stuck in became even more annoying.

It took another hour to finally get home. When I entered my apartment ‘Einstein’ was sitting in front of my laptop with a silly smile on his face.

“Did you get mein mezage?” he asked.

“I got a message from somebody who sounded just like Stephen Hawking,” I said.

‘Einstein’ then typed something on my computer and the same voice I had heard on my phone repeated the message: “Raymond Young, you’re invited to look at my time travel experiment of 2009.”

“You know, zeze computers are amasing. I found zis vebzite zat reproduces vadeffer you vant to zay in ein Stephen Hawking imitazion. I zought zat vould get your attention,” he said smiling.

“You’re an asshole. You know that? And since when did you know how to use a computer? Never mind, I don’t want to know. Anyway, what’s that about a 2009 time travel experiment.”

“Zat year Hawking conducted ein experiment in vich he concluded zat time traffel vas impozible.”

While ‘Einstein’ talked I went over to my room and found the blue light wall gone.

“I zuggest you look it up,” Einstein said raising his voice so I could hear him in the bedroom.

“Hey, did you take down the information wall?” I asked while ambling back to the living room.

I got no answer; ‘Einstein’ was gone. I was really getting tired of his pop-in/pop-out routine.

Well, at least he didn’t take my computer. I made myself a cup of coffee, hurt my tongue blister again, cussed about it, and then started searching for information on Hawking’s experiment. I was expecting something fancy but instead found something so low tech, simple and downright silly that for a moment thought it was a joke.

In effect, in 2009 Dr. Stephen Hawking conducted an experiment in an attempt to prove whether time travel would exist in the future. He organized a party for time travelers and announced the time and location of the party after the event was over. The idea was that the only way to attend was to find out in the future and travel back in time to attend. Dr. Hawking concluded that time travel to the past was not possible because nobody showed up the day of the event.

After reading that I thought, “really? That was it?” But, hey, this was Dr. Hawking not some schmuck, so I checked my cynicism at the door and pondered his approach.

“If traveling outside of time is only possible in energy form,” I thought, “then the time travelers that made it to Dr. Hawking’s party could have only shown up as energy. Did anybody measured the energy level at the event? Was there any difference in the energy levels before and during the event? Would a time traveler disturb the energy level at its destination? What energy frequency should we be looking at?”

I started Googling different things until I found what I as looking for.

In his book Cosmic Evolution, Astrophysicist Eric J. Chaisson presented some interesting findings regarding our brain’s energy. According to his calculations our brain uses 75,000 times as much energy as the Sun.

The number was astonishing. That’s the amount of energy our brain uses, the organ that houses the energy universe that is our mind!

“With such an energy consumption associated to our mind,” I thought, “we should expect some type of energy signature to show up in a place where a time traveler has arrived. I mean, a ferret like Matthew seemingly perceived brain energy(1). Could that be what cats and dogs react to when there seems to be nothing there? Time travelers in energy form!”

Suddenly the absurdity of my previous doubts regarding traveling to the exclusively material past in energy form dawned on me. You may only travel in energy form but that form can exist in a material world just like all other types of energies. What can’t be done is travel to the past in material form, once you become energy you can go anywhere. I got up to get a glass of water and thought that maybe Dr. Hawking did get some guests to his party after all.

One conundrum solved, now, what about the past’s connection to dark matter?


(1) As seen back in Chapter 9: Hitting the Wall